
Date: 10/17/2009

Another Fukn Piece Of Sh!t

We r not the same.we'll nevr be..we cnt be blamed cuz that wat luvrz ment 2 be..itz all abt heart nd wat u cnt C..i cn feel it inside of me...what i have 4 u z so real..itz eat no1 cn feel..b4 ive nevr seen anythng clear..nd thought itz impossible 2 heal..itz fukn unreal,gettin so deep..get it stupid world 4 godz sake!!..til whn this shit im gonna take!!..cum on itz all fukn real..nd nothing've been faked!!..itz so great...2 fall n luv wid a gr8 mate..2 fynd ur shining star..who'll guide u all the way str8..dnt evr let it go whn u fynd it..u cnt imagine all da magic u cn make!!..true luv z simply a fate..luvrz r wise,nd not. at da same givez ur heart beatz a rythem..u cnt decide 2 fall n luv n which d8..but why da fuk r ppl makin it a big shame?...why da hell z every luvr get all da blame??..luv became such a horrible crime..4 evry heart luv znt completely n luv,still lost...cuz evrytym i move on i found dat im not..riverz r fallin 4m my eyez alot..evn if itz a luve at 1st sight..u gotta trust sumtymz of ur feelingz..whn ur lyf behin2 hv meaningz..nd this fire u cn nevr fyt..btween all this darkness..u found ur guiding lyt..stayin up all nyt..flyin n ur wonderful dreamz..itz not easy az it u dnt knw hw gud it feelz!!...2 hv sumbody 4 lyf 2 share..cud u fyt it?? u dare??..when u find sum1 who really carez??..guess not

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