
Date: 10/23/2009


well..we alwayz say:no regretz!! but do we really act az we say??? i myt hv sum pointz datz makez u feel comfortable abt dat.*yeah we do really belive dat our fatez has been writtin b4 we came alive,but we cnt stay helpless if bad thingz r just keep cuming,our fate sumtymz becumz n our handz!!u gotta work on that nd im sure dat deep inside ull find a solution depending on ur problem.*yeah we gotta 4get all regretz nd lft em unspoken.but wt we dnt really knw dat sum regretz drivez us 2 be better ppl,otherz making us worse,so deal carefuly with ur regretz.*no1 z cursed at all! we decide that!! curing well be after death so leave dat shit saying:im cursed,itz a curse. 4 gud,cuz if u kept sayin dat ull curse urself!! jst move nd try 2 make ur lyf better.*sumtymz u feel regret by seeing sum1 who u did smg wrong 2 him 1ce in da past,u can simply talk 2 dat person abt dat,maybe he didnt look da same way u did,if u really made a mistake ask his 4giveness,if he didnt accept then simply knw dat he deserved wat u've done 2 him nd 4get abt dat...n de end, regretz r gud if u decided 2, da oppesite will be if u wanted 2, ur fate wont leave u helpless,it came 2 teach us dat we act az gud az we can,nd if sumthng being wrong we dnt hv 2 be regretful.sumtymz u regret abt smg gud,jst dnt make a quick judgement..hope i said wat can be helpful..peace
