
Date: 11/30/2009

T0rn apart..

Tym keeps going by...i feel lyk im close 2 thnkin alot,bt there's n0thn 2 say...and i cnt say any light...i've always been remmbrin my lyf line...kn0wing that the ch0ice was never mine...sadness g0in darker,deeper inside my soul...everytym i fall,i try 2 catch up my breath...but i i find that im lyk i dnt wana live..i've got n0thn insight 2 4getting the breathng..tryin 2 ign0re these feelingz..about what u did..lyk u nevr care..then u c0me and say its n0t fair! i the 1 who always wana fyt?!..or u always wana be so ryt? makes lyf harder 2 ride..feeling crushing dwn,hopes died..u meant evrythng 2 me..the star that shines 2 guide...then u get me so unryt..i'l be the 1 who wana fyt..its lyk a war of a thousand side..z that love??..or drowning n an ocean,wide? ThE eNd..itz just abt me and my dad..fuk hm

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