
Date: 12/10/2009

School of Life....

u wud never attend a school as LIFE!! it teaches u wat no1 else can do!! but 4 ppl who says older ppl are more xprt than young z just a bullshit!! yeah youngs r rackless but thy might be learning frm theire mistakes more than older ppl..its not abt hw many lessons or subjects u've taken..its abt wat did u learn and how did u lines might be hard 2 make u srtong as a mountain..frm my humble xperience i say that really happend 2 class in Lifes school wasnt easy at all..even thu im too young..but i became a stone becuz of my life xams..i feel so bleeding inside..but i just cnt cry..i knw its so wrong 2 keep it inside..but its smg i hvnt decide..motions freezed as winters winds..motions inside me r just a hurricane..thy wanna shw up..but thy rnt able 2..seems lyk i dnt care..but no1 actually hv any idea hw much do i care...i advice ya 2 care abt ur feelings..jst dnt let em go..cuz whnvr thy go u aont be able 2 take em back..always shw that u care and make it a manner..cuz if u became carelessu wud never be careful...C me now..i wanna show it..but i just ppl its a good lesson 2 learn and its really important...u wont feel how sumthng z important til its value anything u hav b4 u lose evrythng..dOnE

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