
Date: 12/13/2009


Stick on ur 4 ur killing its all0wd in religi0n blah blah blah...those blahz r summa thngs that made me n0n religios..u see ppl stealing othrz in the name of religi0n..killing,ruining othrz lives...u can get n0thng unless u hv the m0ney and power...u study religi0n so they rec0mmand u 2 be an unmistakeble! And each sin is unforgvn..but each sin is allowd for them...i dnt gv a fuk abt ppl and thr shits...but ive saw en0ugh and i made up my mind...peace wud nevr be..evn if u stuck 0n ur religi0n..ive searched 4 peace n evry i found my peace n no religi0n..i admit xsistenss of god bt thr wud be no way that i blv n religi0n..its bettr 2 be h0nest instead of livin such a big lie..lyk u say im a muslim bt why da hell u dnt pray? Drink and do evry banned thng..

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