
Makes Me Happy: guitarz and music.watchin sports especially football . my friendz.playin f0otball.fyt.goin crazy and makin jokez XD doin dangerous thingz XD blowin out skol nd teacherz XD lolz.havin true friendz.helping sum1 n need,biting several a new theory and havin a new philosophy of life..botherin u xP ozzy osbourns laugh HAHAHAHAHA it realy rox man

Makes Me Sad: almost everything in this world.warz.orphanz.animal cruelity.liez.goin out in the music.when i cut my fingrez and cant play guitar.sumtymz wat makez me happy cn make me sad

Interests: music,guitars,reading,advantures,drawing,photography,designing,chatting,learning new languages,meeting new friends,animal care,videogames

Profession: Student n d sk0l of lyf..high sk0l student.p0et.artist. Guitarist... Future lawyer

Bad Habits: most of my habits.. Crazy to the bone.. Agrressive sumtymz.. Smokin.. Drinkin.. Honesty and loyalty.. Cant express my emotions.. Srtonghead.. I look careless outside but not inside... Suicidal.. Ummmm any more bad habits left?? Lol

Good Habits: i am what i am..ur approval is not needed xD

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